The 10x Catalyst Groups Licensing Program
If you are a Christian coach, consultant or counselor who would like to expand your practice to include building and facilitating peer groups of Christian entrepreneurs and/or CEOs, perhaps you'd like to explore becoming an 10x Catalyst Groups Licensee and Certified Coach. Or possibly you are a marketplace leader of faith with a proven track record of success in business and you would like to become a business coach and help other entrepreneurs and CEOs in their quest to grow spiritually as leaders, build thriving businesses and use the platform of their businesses to advance the Kingdom. If so, we welcome a conversation about becoming a 10x Licensee.
Licensing Program.
The 10x Catalyst Group Licensing Program is not a franchise. The Program is actually quite simple. Licensees operate their own business under their own trade name using 10x curriculum. You'll have the use of first-rate, proven discussion materials, receive coaching on how to best use them and enjoy membership in a peer group of other Licensees so that you can grow personally and also to get tuned up each month for the meetings you'll facilitate in your market.
There's a set up and training fee and a monthly fee for participation in a Licensee peer group and use of the discussion materials in facilitating your own meetings.
We'll give you suggestions and share best practices, but you can set up your own pricing, meeting schedules and venues.
In short, it's a fast and uncomplicated way to quickly launch a peer group leadership offering in your market. You'll get the support you need and the operating flexibility you'll appreciate, with none of the headaches of a franchise. Click here for the 10 Catalyst Groups Licensing Flier
The Model. Peer groups are composed of 8-12 business, church and nonprofit leaders from noncompeting industries. Visit the 10x Catalyst Group CEO and PRO pages on this website to get perspectives on a proven, winning formula. The entrepreneur program is designed around a half day format and the CEO program is designed around a full day format.
We're happy to discuss other facets of both programs if you'd like to explore the opportunity more.
Members typically pay monthly dues to participate. You can establish your own dues structure, including amount and timing of payment. You will handle all the money. We don't get involved in the finances of your business, whether income or expenses. Your business is yours to run as you desire.
It's pretty easy to estimate profitability. Decide on the amount of member dues. Decide how many groups you want. Decide how many people you want in each group. Your costs for an entrepreneurial group will include printing, snacks, beverages, meeting supplies and a meeting facility. Your time involvement each month is a half day in your own peer group via webinar, and a half day per entrepreneur group you host. Simply stated, facilitating three entrepreneurial groups involves four half days per month. The rest of the month is yours to recruit or do whatever else you desire. It's an attractive model. We can discuss your individual situation in more detail if you'd like to explore the opportunity further.
The Relational, Spiritual and Kingdom ROI.
If you are inclined to serve others as a Christian business coach, the friendships you'll build will be extraordinary. The mentoring opportunities will be deeply satisfying. The spiritual growth you can facilitate will produce eternal fruit. The community impact you can produce, working through and with your members is unparalleled.
Plug and Play.
If you're looking for one of the simplest and most time-effective ways to launch and operate a Christian coaching business serving other business leaders, the 10x Certification and Licensing Program might be just the solution.
Contact me through this is website and let's discuss your unique situation.
Michael Sipe
Licensing Program.
The 10x Catalyst Group Licensing Program is not a franchise. The Program is actually quite simple. Licensees operate their own business under their own trade name using 10x curriculum. You'll have the use of first-rate, proven discussion materials, receive coaching on how to best use them and enjoy membership in a peer group of other Licensees so that you can grow personally and also to get tuned up each month for the meetings you'll facilitate in your market.
There's a set up and training fee and a monthly fee for participation in a Licensee peer group and use of the discussion materials in facilitating your own meetings.
We'll give you suggestions and share best practices, but you can set up your own pricing, meeting schedules and venues.
In short, it's a fast and uncomplicated way to quickly launch a peer group leadership offering in your market. You'll get the support you need and the operating flexibility you'll appreciate, with none of the headaches of a franchise. Click here for the 10 Catalyst Groups Licensing Flier
The Model. Peer groups are composed of 8-12 business, church and nonprofit leaders from noncompeting industries. Visit the 10x Catalyst Group CEO and PRO pages on this website to get perspectives on a proven, winning formula. The entrepreneur program is designed around a half day format and the CEO program is designed around a full day format.
We're happy to discuss other facets of both programs if you'd like to explore the opportunity more.
Members typically pay monthly dues to participate. You can establish your own dues structure, including amount and timing of payment. You will handle all the money. We don't get involved in the finances of your business, whether income or expenses. Your business is yours to run as you desire.
It's pretty easy to estimate profitability. Decide on the amount of member dues. Decide how many groups you want. Decide how many people you want in each group. Your costs for an entrepreneurial group will include printing, snacks, beverages, meeting supplies and a meeting facility. Your time involvement each month is a half day in your own peer group via webinar, and a half day per entrepreneur group you host. Simply stated, facilitating three entrepreneurial groups involves four half days per month. The rest of the month is yours to recruit or do whatever else you desire. It's an attractive model. We can discuss your individual situation in more detail if you'd like to explore the opportunity further.
The Relational, Spiritual and Kingdom ROI.
If you are inclined to serve others as a Christian business coach, the friendships you'll build will be extraordinary. The mentoring opportunities will be deeply satisfying. The spiritual growth you can facilitate will produce eternal fruit. The community impact you can produce, working through and with your members is unparalleled.
Plug and Play.
If you're looking for one of the simplest and most time-effective ways to launch and operate a Christian coaching business serving other business leaders, the 10x Certification and Licensing Program might be just the solution.
Contact me through this is website and let's discuss your unique situation.
Michael Sipe
Small Business. Big Mission.™
"As the third generation owner of our family business, I really had to ask God what my chapter in our legacy was supposed to look like. Over the last 61 years our company has provided facilities for seven church plants, countless bible studies and small groups and has seen numerous employees come to Christ. We have always viewed our work as a ministry but were lacking the proper business training to steward it wisely. God's provision over the years has been nothing short of miraculous, but I felt that God was calling us to step it up in the business department. Without any formal business training, I felt pretty inadequate for the task. I had the heart, but I needed the wisdom! I was invited to come and visit a peer group meeting and decided to give it a try. That first meeting was a bombshell to me and such an obvious answer to prayer that I never looked back. We have been members for four years and I cannot begin to describe the richness and depth that we have experienced. Our business has been completely turned around and has been greatly impacted by the ministry principles and world class business coaching. It's not a small group or a seminar; it's God's way to do business!"
Michael Summers, CEO, Summers Wood Flooring, Inc.
Michael Summers, CEO, Summers Wood Flooring, Inc.