PRO Group Meeting Experience
10x PRO Groups provide a monthly confidential forum for Christian entrepreneurs to share their triumphs and challenges with peers and to learn business and marketplace ministry best practices in a custom designed half-day format. For example, here's a recent meeting agenda:
Opening Prayer and Check-in.
Morning Reflections - How Will They Know?
Marketplace implications of Romans 10: 14-15.
Business Mastery - Generating a Never Ending Stream of Referrals.
Everyone knows referrals and word of mouth advertising are the lifeblood of business, especially for entrepreneurs in individual production. Unfortunately, most small businesses are woefully weak in predictable referral marketing systems. In this month's business segment, we'll look at how businesses of all types can implement effective programs to drive a consistent flow of qualified referrals.
Marketplace Ministry - Referring People to Jesus.
The Great Commission is the ultimate referral based marketing system. Are you doing your part? Let's look at how we can be worthy referral sources for advancement of the Gospel.
Table Topics - Peer group processing of member issues.
Strategic Business Presentation - Annual member business overview and table discussion of key strategic objectives, challenges and opportunities.
Holy Spirit Guidance - Prayerfully revealed monthly goals for each member.
Positive Accountability - Round table goal and prayer request sharing. Monthly Peer Partners selected.
Closing Prayer
Monthly Peer to Peer Collaboration and Supplemental Resources
Opening Prayer and Check-in.
Morning Reflections - How Will They Know?
Marketplace implications of Romans 10: 14-15.
Business Mastery - Generating a Never Ending Stream of Referrals.
Everyone knows referrals and word of mouth advertising are the lifeblood of business, especially for entrepreneurs in individual production. Unfortunately, most small businesses are woefully weak in predictable referral marketing systems. In this month's business segment, we'll look at how businesses of all types can implement effective programs to drive a consistent flow of qualified referrals.
Marketplace Ministry - Referring People to Jesus.
The Great Commission is the ultimate referral based marketing system. Are you doing your part? Let's look at how we can be worthy referral sources for advancement of the Gospel.
Table Topics - Peer group processing of member issues.
Strategic Business Presentation - Annual member business overview and table discussion of key strategic objectives, challenges and opportunities.
Holy Spirit Guidance - Prayerfully revealed monthly goals for each member.
Positive Accountability - Round table goal and prayer request sharing. Monthly Peer Partners selected.
Closing Prayer
Monthly Peer to Peer Collaboration and Supplemental Resources